Saturday 29 December 2012

Tortilla Wrap Pizzas

Need something else to do with your leftovers? Feeling a bit guilty from all the overindulging? Yes, I do.
So today I made skinny guilt free Pizzas!
Yes, such thing does exist.

Take ordinary flour tortilla wraps and use them as a pizza base. Spread them with fresh tomatoes mixed with some tomato puree and seasoned with Salt, Pepper and Oregano.
Then use a low fat Mozzarella and dot that around. I also used a German cheese called Hand Cheese or Harzer, which has a surprising 0.5% fat!!! They should start making that here in the UK, I propose.
Anyway, now top with your favorite toppings, but do not overcrowd. Veggies of all sort make a healthy beginning, but Turkey or Ham (or both) add the seasonal touch.
Bake in a hot oven (as hot as it goes) for 10 minutes or until the edges start to crisp and the cheese is melted.
You must try this, I know you'll love it :-D
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